Progress Report

I don’t think this post will prove very interesting to anyone other than myself, but when I don’t have anything new to post I like to at least document my study journey so that when I can look back later I can see what I did to improve.

I’ve been watching a few different courses:

The latter course is really really good and I’m learning a lot. I’ll probably end up having to rewatch it again later to really take in a lot of the lessons being taught there.

I also finished up the Grant Abbitt Get Good at Blender 2.8 Playlist. Overall this was well worth doing. A couple of screenshots below for the last two lessons:

Level 11

Level 12

I’ve a few other renders lined up I’m going to begin working on soon. I also came across this Youtube Make Games playlist, which contains many little bite sized blender tutorials to make different types of objects. I’m planning to use this for quick easy renders when I want a little bit of a break from bigger projects. The best part is that all of the videos I’ve checked so far contain reference images!!

Like the ray gun I posted before, I modeled this one below before watching any of the tutorial itself. From time to time maybe I’ll be able to post a bunch of these up at once, they aren’t really complicated enough to deserve their own post. I think this one below only took me 30 minutes or so from start to end.

Strong Coffee