Passing JLPT N1

The JLPT is the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (日本語能力試験) and this year I passed the top level N1 exam. My score section breakdown was as follows:

Section Score Available
Language Knowledge (文字、語彙、文法) 43 60
Reading (読解) 26 60
Listening (聴解) 38 60
Total Score (総合得点) 107 180

A score of 107 /180 puts me in the 72.4 Percentile.

Overall I was happy to have just passed the test – but I was surprised by the breakdown of my results. I don’t live in Japan and I generally improve my Japanese through reading, so I expected my reading and language knowledge sections to be the strongest. If I was to fail the exam I thought that would be because of the listening section, so it was a big surprise that I made up the points on listening that I’d dropped in the reading part!

One of the hardest things I found about the listening section is that because it comes after the other two sections I feel so exhausted that it’s hard to focus, and entire pieces of conversation can sail by before I realise I wasn’t really even listening.

The real exam is also much harder than any practice papers I found. For example I did three mock tests (available here) and passed each of those relatively easily with points (and time!) to spare. With the real test I found myself struggling for time during the reading section and having to rush through the last sets of questions (which probably contributed to my relatively poor score).

I don’t think I will bother to retake the test anytime soon, but I’m still trying to keep working on my Japanese consistently. Since I like learning 3D CGI as a hobby, I’ve been trying to hit two birds with one stone and do much of that in Japanese too:


I’m also reading The Way of Kings but in Japanese, which has been really enjoyable so far.

Anyhow, here is the certificate itself:
